family’s worship ceremony. They mainly worship the main god in Japanese mythology, but there are often spirits of small gods floating around in Takamagahara. If the small gods eat the worship of the big god, then the ritual will be considered It failed. So in the first stage, they will set up a barrier to prevent the spirits other than the worshiping god from approaching. In the second stage, they will ask the witches who have been raised at home to dance to attract the attention of the main god. The onmyoji will present the prepared tributes, and when the main god takes away the tributes, he will bring blessings, and the worship ceremony will be completed. These three stages basically take a day, the most important of which are the dance of the witches and the consent of the main god. Refuse to accept tributes. Miko must keep a pure and clean body, and start practicing from a young age. The higher the talent, the stronger the magic. When you are eighteen years old, you will be qualified to become a miko. They must live a simple life. They cannot get married and have children, but they must also remain a virgin. This life must last for ten years. During these ten years, the shrine maiden will take on important responsibilities in a large family like the Abe family, such as worship and sacrifices. The practice and dance work.”

family’s worship ceremony. They mainly worship the main god in Japanese mythology, but there are often spirits of small gods floating around in Takamagahara. If the small gods eat the worship of the big god, then the ritual will be considered It failed. So in the first stage, they will set up a barrier to prevent the spirits other than the worshiping god from approaching. In the second stage, they will ask the witches who have been raised at home to dance to attract the attention of the main god. The onmyoji will present the prepared tributes, and when the main god takes away the tributes, he will bring blessings, and the worship ceremony will be completed. These three stages basically take a day, the most important of which are the dance of the witches and the consent of the main god. Refuse to accept tributes. Miko must keep a pure and clean body, and start practicing from a young age. The higher the talent, the stronger the magic. When you are eighteen years old, you will be qualified to become a miko. They must live a simple life. They cannot get married and have children, but they must also remain a virgin. This life must last for ten years. During these ten years, the shrine maiden will take on important responsibilities in a large family like the Abe family, such as worship and sacrifices. The practice and dance work.”
I nodded when I heard this and looked to both sides, but I didn’t see the witch.
/“Why isn’t the witch there?” I asked.
“Oh. The status of a miko in the family is very high. It is not easy to cultivate a miko with talent and magic, so she is usually hidden like a treasure. Why would she be placed in a place like this? I guess it is a special arrangement A car took her to Gao Tianyuan.
“Oh, did you have a witch in your family before?” I asked with a smile.
The former Toshiro thought for a while and then said: “There were some in the past. Although our family has never been as big as Abe or Ashiya, there were still hundreds of people at the peak of the former Toshiro family, and they also trained mikos. I have performed rituals in many places. The last witch was my sister, but unfortunately, she was killed by an evil spirit during a ritual. After my sister’s death, the family’s reputation fell to the bottom. “I didn’t expect that it would happen unintentionally. Reminding him of the sad past of former Riyurou, he patted him on the shoulder.
/“By the way, you just said that besides witches, there is another very important part in the worship ceremony. What is it?” I quickly changed the subject.
“Oh. The second link is tribute. Worshiping the Lord God is not just a house game. If you take some substandard tributes, you will be punished by the Lord God. So every year, the Abe family prepares very good and large quantities of tributes. The following two cars The trucks must be filled with tributes. There are quite a lot of them.”
“Haha, I’m also very curious about Japan’s main gods, don’t be like Mensu.” I grinned. The car was swaying, and I saw that it was still early to stop, so I lea