is time, those ancestors who rarely interfered in the affairs of the Merlin family would make such a decision.

is time, those ancestors who rarely interfered in the affairs of the Merlin family would make such a decision.
“I don’t agree!” Thorne Merlin made an objection almost subconsciously.
But after finishing the sentence, Thorne Merlin realized something was wrong, so he quickly added: “I mean, I don’t think the Watson family will agree to cooperate with us!”
“Thorne, This is a decision from the ancestral land.” After Hovlan glanced at Thorne Merlin, his eyes fell on Lin Yun again: “And this time, Marfa Merlin will jointly command the plane army with you.”
” What!” This time, Thorne Merlin was completely out of control. When Hovlan said this, Thornmelin almost jumped up on the spot: “Master Hovlan, what do you mean? ”
/In Thorne Merlin’s opinion, this was simply a joke!
Forget about cooperating with the Watson family, half of the power to command the plane army was divided. Moreover, the person who took away the other half of the power to command the plane army was actually Marfa Merlin, who almost killed his own son!
No, this is absolutely not possible!
“I say it again, Thorne, this is a decision from the ancestral land.”
“I have a question.” Lin Yun listened for a long time, and finally couldn’t help it anymore: “I want to ask, can I not go? ”
“No.” The person who answered Lin Yun was not Hovland, but Mr. Lane, who came from his ancestral land. It was a bit strange that this old man who had not spoken to anyone since he entered the Merlin family manor, was here. When he saw Lin Yun, he actually showed a rare smile: “Mafa Merlin, I didn’t expect that we would meet again so soon, but I heard from Hovland that you seem to have a bad temper. You are young. Don’t be so impulsive, you are named Merlin after all.”
Lin Yun was confused for a while, what do you mean we meet again?
At this time, Lin Yun actually wanted to remind Mr. Ryan that it was just the first time for us to meet, okay? He
returned to the Merlin family for more than a month. Not to mention his contribution, even his sense of presence was still there. It was very weak, thinking that it was just a blood ceremony and it had to be exchanged for Stan Watson’s life. It can be said that except for Rose Merlin and William Merlin, I have no foundation in the Merlin family at all.
Under such circumstances, how could the ancestors of the ancestral land hand over the command of the plane army to their own hands?
Why are you so confident about yourself?
Lin Yun couldn’t figure it out after much thought.
Lin Yun didn’t even notice that as the old man said these words, the atmosphere around him suddenly became extremely weird. Everyone looked at him with strange eyes. Some were surprised, some were envious, and some even had some subtle jealousy
. Yes, everyone
, including Hovland and Thorne Merlin, looked at Lin Yun in a very strange way.
Because no one thought that Mr. Ryan, who came from the ancestral land, would speak to him with this attitude
. You must know that this person made a big fuss in the Presbyterian Church befor