he still tried his best to keep a smile. As a national advisor, he coordinated the overall situation and must not reveal any clues, so as not to affect the morale of the whole army.

he still tried his best to keep a smile. As a national advisor, he coordinated the overall situation and must not reveal any clues, so as not to affect the morale of the whole army.
Zhang Jian was sitting aside. At this time, he was surrounded by other young monks from Dongshen Temple. He noticed that these young monks from Dongshen Temple and some elders looked at him with some curiosity, but most of them were extremely curious. Respect, no one is blinded by passion, jealousy and want to provoke.
But at this time, on the other side, escaping from the Nine Passes of Xishu, the ancestor of Baixiang approached the two realms all the way!
His body appeared on the south bank of the canal, and his true body appeared at this time. It was a figure with an old face, and he seemed to always have a cold mask on his face.
Master Nixiang’s face turned pale, and there was a faint gray light in his eyes. However, he looked respectful when facing Ancestor Baixiang. When he looked carefully, there was a hint of fear deep in his eyes.
Ancestor Baixiang’s old face was now filled with gloom, and the surging river water failed to brighten his mood.
“I didn’t expect that there is such a huge force hidden deep in the Daqian Palace. We underestimated the enemy!”
/He said slowly.
His losses this time were also huge.
In the final blow of Master Tiangang, he successfully used the peach wood puppet to escape, but was also struck by the terrifying sword of national destiny following the connection between himself and the puppet, injuring his soul.
The Sword of Luck is so magical that it cannot be easily endured.
Fortunately, Master Tian Gang had not fully understood the Sword of Luck and entered the Dharma Realm, otherwise he might not be able to do without Taiye Pond.
The evil prime minister’s eyes flickered and he said softly:
/“The ancestors of the Dongshen Cult have been moving around in recent years, and have attracted a group of casual cultivators with the benefits in their hands. Now that Daqian’s luck has not yet fallen, it is not surprising that these casual cultivators have seen profits, and come to help. As long as Daqian really falls apart, these Daoist Yuanshen may not be willing to wade through this troubled water! ”
“The world praises others and despises others, but Daoist Yuanshen may not be able to stand out from the world!”
Master Nixiang sneered.
Ancestor Baixiang’s eyes flashed with a cold light.
After a moment he said.
“Have the ghost mother and the fire spirit been in contact?!”
“The ghost mother has lost contact, but the fire spirit has made contact. This guy said that he wants to go into the depths of the wilderness to heal his wounds, and it is temporarily inconvenient to come to meet him!”
The evil-faced master was speechless. The Lord Fire Spirit was obviously afraid of the evil demon sect’s revenge and ran away in advance.
The ghost mother did something even more extreme and completely lost contact.
Ancestor Baixiang’s face trembled slightly, and he said after a moment.