es the hot weather. Could you please help me send it to the Snowy Mountain Zoo in Monterey Bay, California? Well, let’s go It will be delivered in a few days. I want to keep them first.”

es the hot weather. Could you please help me send it to the Snowy Mountain Zoo in Monterey Bay, California? Well, let’s go It will be delivered in a few days. I want to keep them first.”
/Whatever the boss said, the deliveryman handed the list to Han Xuan and then said: “I will pass it on to Mr. Gray. Then, next time I come back, I will Send them to the zoo?”
“Okay. Gabriel, help me tip him, please don’t refuse.”
As Han Xuan spoke, he picked up a carp sent by chef Wu Tao and fed it to the big tortoise as food.
It moved flexibly and quickly stretched out its head to bite. The fish was swallowed by it before it even touched the water.
“Boss, do you know what kind of turtle this is?”
/Gabriel picked up the struggling little tortoise from the water and was surprised that this animal could grow so big!
Wu Tao’s English level was not good enough. From a few words, he could guess what he was asking. He smiled and said in Chinese: “We call it the Chinese soft-shelled turtle. When it grows up, it becomes a Yuan. People along the Yangtze River can occasionally catch it. I heard that braised pork tastes good. I don’t remember which newspaper I read about. It said that there was an old man near the estuary of the Yangtze River. In the 1970s, he saw a tortoise just over one meter long basking in the sun on the shore. I want to go back He took things to catch it at home, but unfortunately when he came back, the big tortoise was gone. He was so angry that for the next ten years, he took tools and walked two or three kilometers to the shore every morning, hoping to see it again. The tortoise did not He was caught, but he walked every day and exercised by the way, and he lived to be a hundred years old without any illness or disaster.”
Han Xuan didn’t know much about this species, so he told others about Wu Tao’s introduction in English, and only regarded it as what he said. Yes.
I thought that since there are still people eating it, it must be a very common animal.
This idea would continue for several years until Han Xuan, who was preparing for his coming-of-age ceremony in the new century, accidentally learned that the giant tortoise was actually a new species different from the Chinese soft-shell turtle, and its scientific name was the spotted soft-shell turtle.
Because they don’t know how precious they are and have no legal protection, Chinese residents tend to eat anything and everything. As long as they see these big guys, they will take them home and eat them.
As a result, when people corrected the name of the spotted turtle, there were only a few left in the world, making it the most endangered turtle.
Some rare and protected animals were saved by accident. Han Xuan didn’t know it at the moment. He thought that since they were not precious, they wouldn’t be specially sent to the zoo.
He told the deliveryman not to pick it up, and then said to several bodyguards: “Please help carry this bastard out, put it in my car, and send it to Luota Lake for release. Wild animals cannot be kept for a long time,