ling, massacring cities and countries, in order to frighten the old and the young. However, no one has ever thought that only those who go on expeditions to teach, and use teaching as a sword to pierce people’s hearts and seek people’s hearts can make a fortune in the world. Faintly, Zhou Jijun gained an unprecedented understanding of the principles of conquest.

ling, massacring cities and countries, in order to frighten the old and the young. However, no one has ever thought that only those who go on expeditions to teach, and use teaching as a sword to pierce people’s hearts and seek people’s hearts can make a fortune in the world. Faintly, Zhou Jijun gained an unprecedented understanding of the principles of conquest.
Taking history as a mirror, we can also learn the great way.
His mind turned into a breeze, dispersing the feeling. Zhou Jijun smiled inexplicably and began to read the “Book of Mountains and Seas” leisurely. The thick volume quickly reached the end. When Zhou Jijun’s eyes fell on the sixth page from the bottom, his expression suddenly froze.
“This is…”
What caught his eyes was a tiger-body demon with eight heads, eight sides, eight legs and eight tails. The whole body exuded a slight green-yellow halo. Even if it was just painted on paper, it could still There is a faint green and yellow light.
Zhou Jijun had seen a lot about the strange monsters and beasts in the reincarnation of mountains and seas. What shocked him was not the appearance of this monster, but the comment below the pattern. Although there were only a few words, it caused an uproar in his heart.
“Tianwu is a saint.”
This monster with a ferocious head and aura is actually the saint of mountains and seas!
Zhou Jijun was in a trance and was stunned for a long time. He suppressed the horror in his heart and continued to read back, but the more he looked, the more shocked he became.
Of the six saints of the mountains and seas, four of them have demonic faces and animal bodies. Even the Nuwa whom I met at the beginning had a human face and a snake body, and was an alien species.
“There is a short paragraph at the end of the scripture, don’t forget to read it.”
Lu Ya sipped his wine and looked at Zhou Jijun who looked surprised, but he was not surprised. Taoist Lu Ya had the same look on his face when Hongyun passed the Classic of Mountains and Seas to him.
Taking a deep breath, Zhou Jijun’s eyes intentionally or unintentionally avoided the saints in the painting and focused on the scroll.
“Mountains and seas have always been the land of aliens. However, the so-called aliens are a minority. Monsters in mountains and seas are aliens in the eyes of people in our heaven, earth and sky, but I don’t know that tens of thousands of years ago, humans are also aliens in the eyes of monsters in mountains and seas. …However, the saint had a great plan. Although the expedition failed, it was passed on to enlightenment. Tens of thousands of years later, all mountains and seas will be proud of humans and regard monsters and beasts as aliens…”
For no reason, Zhou Jijun’s heart was pounding. He felt the wonder of the reincarnation of mountains and seas, and lamented the unprecedented conspiracy after the failure of the saint’s expedition.
No fighting, no swords, no Taoist treasures, just teachings to make the mountains and seas samsara victorious and defeated.
/Although I don’t