rose on his cheeks, and the woman in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of him. A faint smile appeared on her elegant and beautiful face, and she said to Zhou Jijun, “Remember me, Remember this feeling

rose on his cheeks, and the woman in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of him. A faint smile appeared on her elegant and beautiful face, and she said to Zhou Jijun, “Remember me, Remember this feeling
: “Yiyi. Where are you?” “Looking at the empty wine bowl, Zhou Jijun murmured numbly.
/Glancing at Zhou Jijun, Yue Luosha suddenly smiled and said, “Who doesn’t have the heartache for the woman he fell in love with in the past? But, Xiaojunjun, as a man, It is of no use if you fall in love all day long. Women all admire the strong. As long as you become strong, why worry about her not coming back to you. ”
Looking at Yue Luosha indifferently, Zhou Jijun’s eyes were hazy, he flicked the wine glass and said softly, “You don’t understand. I was a useless loser at that time, but she was still so kind to me. Even though my chance of becoming stronger was less than one in a billion, she still stayed with me silently, even wanting to sacrifice her life for it. Come and make me stronger. Now I am walking towards the road of becoming strong step by step, but she has disappeared. I only know that she is by the vast East China Sea, but I don’t know how to find her. I always have a feeling that the stronger I become, the closer she is to me. Far away.”
Before Yue Luosha could speak, the owner of the wine shop took a sip of wine from his drinking bowl, slammed the wine bowl on the wooden table, and sighed, “There are countless lovers like you and women from Yanzhou in this world. Women like that, they stay with you when you are poor and have nothing, take care of you silently, and wholeheartedly hope that you will have a good future. However, when you return home after a successful career and look back, she has already left. Either you were heartless and forgot about her, or she left on her own, just because you don’t want to let you have a trace of concern in your heart and have the shadow of the downturn. Because she knows that she only belongs to the first period of your life, that period of bitter but happy days. When you are proud of your life, the man in her heart has gradually changed, and she can no longer find the feeling she had at that time. ”
The wine shop suddenly became quiet, and the guests gradually left, leaving only four silent men at the table. Shamoni scratched Guang Yuan’s head with a confused look on his face, while Zhou Jijun, Yue Luosha and the wine shop The boss’s mind was wandering, his eyes were flashing with his own thoughts but he didn’t know what to think about.
“Come, drink this bowl full for the crazy woman in this world.” “Yue Luosha picked up the wine jug and filled it with wine for the four of them. When it fell on Shamoni, his eyes flashed with amusement, “Little Mani, you should also drink a bowl with your brothers. What you are drinking is not wine. , is the friendship in this world. According to your sect’s rules, it’s not considered breaking the rules. ”
Hesitation flashed in Samoni’s eyes. His eyes swept over Zhou Jijun and Yue Luosha, and a trace of warmth and pride sudd