mind intentionally or unintentionally to avoid being seen by him. But now, when his mind was lost, that sharp gaze came towards him, and Zhu Rong felt that all the secrets he had hidden for countless years were exposed to the broad daylight. This feeling was so mysterious and mysterious that it was difficult to explain, but it was so real that it made him feel cold in his heart.

mind intentionally or unintentionally to avoid being seen by him. But now, when his mind was lost, that sharp gaze came towards him, and Zhu Rong felt that all the secrets he had hidden for countless years were exposed to the broad daylight. This feeling was so mysterious and mysterious that it was difficult to explain, but it was so real that it made him feel cold in his heart.
It seems that we have to take action today no matter what.
Zhu Rong sighed and said in his heart.
/If, as he suspected, his identity had been revealed by He Tu, then if he wanted to save his life, he would have to escape early, but he would have to save the two young men before leaving.
Tens of thousands of years of hard work can be put down as soon as possible. Zhu Rong is such a decisive person.
However, just when he was about to take action, he suddenly had a bowel movement.
As soon as he lifted up the Baosha, it rose from the side. In a blink of an eye, it covered the sky and the sun, and pressed heavily towards Zhu Rong. Zhu Rong has seen this Baosha many times, but he saw it on the battlefield of the Sifangtian Conquest. It is Zhuanxu’s natal magic weapon, the God Emperor Baosha. It can change in size, and it contains the imperial energy of twelve thousand miles from the north. The soldiers are worth tens of millions of troops on the battlefield.
Why would Zhuanxu take action against himself?
/Zhu Rong frowned, but he could no longer think too much at this time. His body turned into a gust of fire wind, and Zhu Rong resolutely attacked Hetu.
A city appeared on the sky in the south, covered with blue and green. There were cloud-like wings at both ends of the city. They flew thousands of feet and flew to Zhu Rong in a blink of an eye. Together with the temple, they intercepted Zhu Rong on the spot. The eight gates of the city were wide open, and groups of green-faced iron wolf riders came out, holding the unique black ice crossbows of the Southern Heaven Realm and shooting at Zhu Rong. In the treasure temple behind Zhu Rong, weapons made of ice water also appeared, carrying cold air. Roll towards Zhurong.
“Lord Zhu Rong, do you know that Saint Nuwa actually issued two edicts.”
Shaohao, who had his arms above his knees, smiled faintly, stepped on the Feitian Luan, jumped up, climbed up the city, lowered his head and looked down at Zhu Rong.
“Master Zhu Rong… you should now be called Taoist Hongyun. You are known as the God of Fire in the reincarnation of mountains and seas. Water can defeat fire. This time, His Majesty Shaohao and I are well prepared for you.”
Zhuanxu laughed loudly and held his hand. In the God Emperor’s Temple, there is a giant eight-winged beast under its crotch, with a ferocious face.
The two righteous gods suddenly used their real magic weapons and seemed to have the upper hand. What’s more, they were both strong men at the same level as Zhu Rong. They broke Zhu Rong’s identity on the spot. No matter how powerful Zhu Rong was, he could not face the strong men from Sanfangtian. Like a trapp