t-year-old boy rubbed his eyes, held his sister’s hand and walked to the main hall in a daze. He looked at the strangely dressed mother curiously. He opened his mouth and yawned.

t-year-old boy rubbed his eyes, held his sister’s hand and walked to the main hall in a daze. He looked at the strangely dressed mother curiously. He opened his mouth and yawned.
“Did someone argue with mom just now?”
Luo Dichen said softly, looking at his children who had no idea what was going on but with concerned faces on their faces, and put his daughter into his arms with a faint smile.
“It’s okay, it’s just a clown’s ear.”
The dignified Tianbo Dynasty’s imperial master said from Li’s mouth, with an understatement, a clown’s ears, no matter who falls on the ear, they will be dumbfounded, laugh and sigh arrogantly.
But she is the biological sister of Luo Dichen, who was once the number one in the seven states and is now the number one in the world.
Although he had never been to the Four Continents and never returned to the Seven States, Luo Dichen would always hear news about his brother from his father when traveling around the world with his parents.
The elder brother made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace…
The elder brother broke out of Lihentian, crossed the sea eastward, and killed all the gods and gods…
The elder brother broke the reincarnation of the saints by himself, and led the Tianwu Mountain army to conquer the mountains and seas… ..My
elder brother made an expedition to the east of the world and became famous all over the world…
/..My elder brother killed the saint…
with my elder brother… .No, even compared to the powerful men who died at his hands, the Tianbo Kingdom Master and the sects behind him can only be regarded as ants and grass. However, Luo Dichen never thought of looking for Zhou Jijun. She also asked her father when she would see her brother. Her father always looked up to the sky and said after a long silence, it will be soon.
/These were the long years that made Luo Hua become heartless, but Luo Dichen firmly believed that her brother would not stop looking for them. One day, when he finished his work, he would naturally come to find her and her parents.
But before that, I have to live happily and protect Yan’er, Xun’er and her husband.
Looking up at the sky with a ring of fish-belly white, Luo Dichen’s beautiful eyes that confuse all living beings gradually became determined. She has a father who is humble and has a brother who is upright. Although she is a girl, how can she Be that kind of woman who is afraid of things.
Just after taking half a step, Luo Dichen’s heart tightened and he turned to look at his children.
Her husband has fallen into their hands, how can she lose Yan’er and Xun’er again.
“Are you willing to accompany your mother to pick up your father?”
Luo Dichen knelt down and looked at the confused Yan’er and Xun’er, and asked softly.
Looking at each other, the two children didn’t know what happened, but when they heard the word “daddy”, their faces lit up and they nodded hurriedly.
“Okay, let’s go pick up dad right now. Follow my dear mother.”
Luo Dichen lowered the curtain again and glanced at the man