Countless silver and diamonds were scattered all over the place. As for magic weapons, secret books and the like, they were scattered all over the floor. I was a little confused when the colorful light shone on my face.

Countless silver and diamonds were scattered all over the place. As for magic weapons, secret books and the like, they were scattered all over the floor. I was a little confused when the colorful light shone on my face.
/I was poor back then. I had just broken up with Yudie. Although the break was relatively clean, I went to say hello and terminated the contract with Mr. Tang. Since we had broken up and would not get married, there was no need for me to exchange my life for that. one million. At that time, the fat man Luo Qiong and the others around me had bulging pockets, but I was very poor, and I didn’t take any jobs. Although my affairs in the underworld were settled before, I didn’t make much money. I couldn’t share a share with the fat man and the others. I only have 20,000 to 30,000 yuan on me. In the 1990s, wages had risen to hundreds a month, and there were already many people with tens of thousands of yuan in savings. I was considered poor.
Therefore, after seeing so many treasures, it would be nonsense to say that I am not tempted. If everything here could belong to me, I would immediately become a big benefactor in the circle, and maybe I could even build a family that is even more powerful than the Ling family. Although many people criticize big families and wealth, they actually need it extremely much.
“So much money. Damn it, if you give me this” I couldn’t help but reach out to grab the gold in front of me, but when I grabbed the gold nugget, my hand shook and I threw the gold nugget away.
I promised the old man that he would not take more things and would only take one treasure. He trusted me and let me go. I can’t be blinded by this benefit. Although it’s not a small profit, I won’t take it even if it’s gold and silver here!
“Damn it, I’m not the kind of person who only cares about money!” He slapped himself, cheered up, and began to privately look for treasures that could deal with Yunli. There are many treasures here. After walking around for a while, I realized that I had never seen most of them, and I didn’t know their effects. Some of them were even beyond my ability to guess.
“There are so many, which one should I choose! Aren’t you kidding me?” I wandered around the treasure house and was dazzled, but I couldn’t pick out anything. But obviously you can’t wait too long. After thinking about it, if it doesn’t work, just pick one that looks particularly powerful. That’s right. After walking around for a while, I saw a rather large dragon head hanging on the second golden mountain. It shouldn’t be made of gold, it’s lifelike and powerful, and it looks like a real dragon head.
/“It’s up to you, I don’t have a choice!” I simply gave up and climbed up the golden mountain and gave him a heavy tug. Pulling off the faucet, the faucet rolled all the way to the ground. During the collision, it seemed to have touched some mechanism on the faucet. The faucet opened its mouth and instantly spurted out a stream of blue flames, which burned on the golden mountain opposite. In just a few seconds