hey will attack us as soon as they find an opportunity. We were unprepared and exhausted from fighting for several days. Brother Cui was finally captured by them. When he was about to kill us, there was a shocking sound from a distance. There were roars and footsteps, as if the army was invading. Our camp immediately became a mess. I took the opportunity to release my hyena and injured several guards, but Brother Cui and Yu Yan were discovered before I could save them. After being hit by several spells, his breath was unstable and he could only escape under the protection of Hubei and a group of goblins. They walked towards the northeast. Brother Shan, go and save Brother Cui and Yu Yan. “Otherwise, it will be too late,”

hey will attack us as soon as they find an opportunity. We were unprepared and exhausted from fighting for several days. Brother Cui was finally captured by them. When he was about to kill us, there was a shocking sound from a distance. There were roars and footsteps, as if the army was invading. Our camp immediately became a mess. I took the opportunity to release my hyena and injured several guards, but Brother Cui and Yu Yan were discovered before I could save them. After being hit by several spells, his breath was unstable and he could only escape under the protection of Hubei and a group of goblins. They walked towards the northeast. Brother Shan, go and save Brother Cui and Yu Yan. “Otherwise, it will be too late,”
he said while coughing, pus and blood spurted out from his throat, and his face became paler.
Judging from the time, they were taken away after the Wu clan broke the barrier, and it took at most one or two hours. In the strange and dark forest, one or two hours should not be far away.
“Are you sure it’s northeast?” I asked.
Yuan Feng nodded. There was blood in his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth. I thought that the Ling family would insert spies into the team, but I didn’t expect that they would dare to do something evil at such a critical moment.
“Xiao Luo, you take care of Yuan Feng here, and I’ll go rescue people.” As he spoke, he walked towards the entrance of the cave.
“I’ll go with you.” After Luo Qiong finished speaking, he looked back at Yuan Feng who could barely stand up and hesitated for a moment. I shook my head and said, “Your mission is to stay here and protect Yuan Feng. God Even if it collapses, nothing will happen to her.”
Luo Qiong hesitated and nodded. At this time, the hyena emitting red light floated to my side. Yuan Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said weakly: “The hyena has remembered their scent and can help you guide the way. Just follow the hyena.” ”
I nodded and rushed out of the cave. Under the leadership of the red goblin, I broke into the dark forest.
/Full of murderous intent, no one can touch my brother!
Not far from the northeast of the battlefield between the giants and the Wu clan, on the back of an inconspicuous hillside, a dozen people looked at Fatty and Tang Yuyan.
“Damn it, what’s going on in this place? Why did a bunch of weirdos suddenly come out again!” The speaker was smoking a cigarette and looking into the distance with a far-infrared telescope.
“Boss. What should we do with these two people?” A man holding a knife from behind asked, “Do you want to shave them off first?”
Before the man called the boss could say anything, the fat man sneered: “A group of bastards are attacking from behind. If you can, let me go. I can’t kill you!”
“You talk too much!” The fat man got punched in the head for cursing. The leader of the group sneered, “Don’t kill me yet. Zu said that Ba Xiaoshan must be killed this time. These two are the bait for Ba Xiaoshan. Let’s kill him together when he comes.”
“Haha, you still