him quietly, but he lowered his head halfway but stopped. Finally, he took a few greedy glances and moved lightly. He climbed out of bed, picked up the clothes on the carpet, and left the bedroom silently.

him quietly, but he lowered his head halfway but stopped. Finally, he took a few greedy glances and moved lightly. He climbed out of bed, picked up the clothes on the carpet, and left the bedroom silently.
Just as the girl gently closed the door, Zhang Lisheng suddenly opened his eyes, with a sad expression on his face, sighed, got out of bed and walked over In front of the window.
He opened the corner of the curtain and waited quietly. After a while, he saw a slender figure with a faint light coming into his eyes, gradually speeding up and flying into the distance.
“Although I don’t understand why staying with me and relying on me is not the love you want, but I respect your choice…” Looking at the light and shadow gradually dissipating in his eyes, Zhang Lisheng murmured: “Freedom, great freedom, Ha, it turns out that this kind of thing has nothing to do with power at all…”
Chapter 564: Black Cloud
/and White Mist Tracy once activated the ancient bloodline under the guidance of the ‘Atlantis’ star light stone, and mastered the control of ‘light’ , “Fire”‘s powerful supernatural ability, and she also has extraordinary wisdom and ability. After getting out of the psychological haze and regaining her sanity, there is no need for Zhang Lisheng to continue to worry about her.
But even so, after watching the girl leave without saying goodbye, the young man’s mood was inevitably gloomy for a few days. And in these few days, the chain effect of the anti-Atlantis demonstration rally on Capitol Hill that was beyond everyone’s imagination began to slow down. Slowly taking effect, the wave it set off actually surpassed the “anti-Vietnam War movement” that shocked the entire United States in the middle of the last century and influenced an entire generation.
People who are used to living in a free and democratic country that dominates the global order with strong economic and military strength are not used to blindly choosing to compromise and give in against their own beliefs and dignity. They were suppressed by the tension during the ‘Winter Riots’, It started to explode tenfold.
In just two weeks, more than a thousand illegal attacks against aliens could be counted in the Federation, and large-scale demonstrations spread across the country.
Soon the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Chief National Security Adviser resigned one after another for personal reasons. For a time, the freedom of the entire cabinet became shaky.
While America was in turmoil, Zhang Lisheng had already mingled with China’s economic and trade delegation to America and headed to Peking, the capital of China, as a visiting American entrepreneur.
This identity is not fictitious. Along with the young man are many managers of large American group companies. The difference between him and those people is that the purpose of others traveling across the ocean to foreign countries is to expand their careers. However, he was entirely trying to find out the specific relationship between China’s freedom