absolute advantage. Even if batches of inanimate alchemy warriors like robots continue to reinforce the Heinhaiman city defense army, they are destined to be unable to defeat the land people. Save the defeat.

absolute advantage. Even if batches of inanimate alchemy warriors like robots continue to reinforce the Heinhaiman city defense army, they are destined to be unable to defeat the land people. Save the defeat.
But even so, the captured city that was not defeated with one blow still made Zhang Lisheng frown, “If a land merchant city-state is so difficult to deal with, how powerful must the mainland military powers like Yasen and France be?” .
No wonder even a powerful and superior civilization like ‘Atlantis’ dare not easily start a ‘war to conquer the world.'”
He was muttering to himself when he suddenly heard someone behind him say with a slightly sad tone: ” Your Excellency Li Sheng, the love story between Yaji and Caimanluo is so real that anyone will cry when seeing it. Your Excellency Li Sheng, it is so cruel for you to break up such a couple.” ”
Selinya, I have long said that things are not what you want. That’s the way.” After Zhang Lisheng came back to his senses, he glanced at Princess Fran and pouted, strolled to the businesswoman with a pale face who was surrounded by people, and said: “Yaji, do you still remember what I told you, as long as you obey Me, all your worries will no longer be worries. Now it’s time to make a real choice.”
“Why me? Why do you always tempt and force me? I’m just a businessman’s daughter. Why? Why? …” Yaji stared blankly in silence for a moment, then suddenly roared.
Chapter 593: Evil Beliefs
Zhang Lisheng’s words are confusing, but the malice contained in them has been vividly displayed.
/Most of the wealthy businessmen around him showed blank expressions, but there were also smart people who realized that something might be wrong, and could not help but tactfully take a few steps away.
Of course, there are those who avoid evil and those who stand up to it.
In the distance, a middle-aged man wearing a thick red armor that seemed to be made of hollow wooden boards, with a handsome and delicate face and a slightly raised moustache, dressed like a paladin, suddenly jumped up to the young man. Beside him, he said gently: “Mr. Scholar from a foreign continent, it seems that you are no stranger to the invaders who raided ‘Hein Haiman’ tonight, right?” As
soon as he finished speaking, he inadvertently looked up at the ceiling of the rich hall. Yaji was distracted when she saw in the projection a lion-headed monster riding a two-person dragon, wielding a giant sword and cutting off a city defender in half. His face showed a ferocious smile in the splashing blood. Suddenly an idea flashed in my heart.
“The attackers of ‘Hein Heiman’ were infernos wearing improved ‘God-given bodies’ and riding unknown ‘war companions’. This was not an invasion by a mysterious army, but a ‘barbarian disaster’! “The businesswoman blurted out and shouted.
The surroundings were silent for a moment. A few seconds later, a wealthy businessman who had also sailed to the “Raging Sea” broke the silence and retorted doubtfully: “Miss Yaji, it does look like a hellman wearing a ‘God-given